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Balseros cubanos
José Martí:
“Cuando un pueblo emigra,
sus gobernantes sobran”.
La intensidad del éxodo cubano se ha multiplicado
¿Por qué en la última década
Porque los cubanos continuamos votando con los pies
El castrismo nos ha hecho emigrar
a todos los confines del mundo
llegaron por vías ilegales a EEUU en la última década
77,000 Cubans have died
trying to escape from communism
Manuel Castro Rodríguez
October 11, 2014
Juan C. Varela
President of Panama
President Varela:
In October 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution gave birth to the deadliest regime type in history –communism. In less than 100 years, communism has claimed more than 100 million lives on four continents. There are really only two communist countries left, Cuba and North Korea. The exodus from North Korea began in the mid-1990s. The exodus from Cuba began in 1960.
Teresita Yániz, veteran leader of Panamanian Christian Democrats, was one of the Cubans that escapedfrom Castro’s Cuba with the help of the Catholic Church. I’m negatively surprised with her silence. The veteran leader of Panamanian Christian Democrats does not have the right to complicit silence about the invitation of Panama’s government to Cuban dictatorshipto attend VII Summit of the Americas. Teresita Yániz know that it is illegal and immoral, and against the democratic principles, because the 2001 Inter-American Democratic Charter and the Declaration of Quebec City explicitly state that non-democratic states can not participatein the Summit of the Americas, and it will be an offenseto the Cuban people.
President Varela, a half-century after continue the exodus of Cubans. In the last year some 39,000 Cubans emigrated, some 20,000 legally and the rest without official permission. According to a New York Timesreport published in print yesterday,
More Cubans took to the sea last year than in any year since 2008, when Raúl Castro officially took power and the nation hummed with anticipation. Some experts fear that the recent spike in migration could be a harbinger of a mass exodus, and they caution that the unseaworthy vessels have already left a trail of deaths.
A version of this article appears in print on October 10, 2014, on page A1 of the New York edition with the headline: In Rickety Boats, Cuban Migrants Again Flee to U.S.
In the 55 years later more than hundred thousand(100,000) Cubans have died victims of the communism. It is the horrific legacy of the dictatorshipimplanted by Fidel and Raúl Castro. What do you think of it?
For decades many people around the world have died trying to escape from communism. For example, during the history of the Berlin Wall (from 13 August 1961 until 9 November 1989), at least 136 people died trying to cross from East to West Berlin.
Over the last half century, more than seventy-seven thousand (77,000) Cubans have died trying to escapefrom Castro’s Cuba in flimsy boats and homemade rafts, while hundreds of thousands more have completed the journey, many of them in mass migrations in 1965, 1980and 1994.
Cubans were born in 138 countries during the last decade. The migration from Cuba has expanded to countries other than the United States: 300,000 Cubans were living outside Cuba and the United States.
Although the United States has been intercepting illegal immigrants from Cuba since twenty years ago, and an unknown number died trying to reach U. S., Cuban exodus persists. The United States Coast Guard spotted 3,722 Cubans in the past year, almost double the number who were intercepted in 2012. Under the migration accord signed after the 1994 crisis, those captured at sea are sent back to Cuba.
According to a New York Times article,
“Every day at 6 a.m. or 6 p.m., somebody died,” Mr. La O said… Nine people, including a pregnant woman, died and were thrown overboard, and six more got on inner tubes and disappeared before the Mexican Navy rescued the survivors, Mr. Sánchez said. Two more died at shore. Mr. La O said he survived by drinking urine and spearing fish.
Cuba’s Castro is the only dictatorship in the Western Hemisphere. Besides, the Castro brothers continue to support terrorism. Castro’s Cuba still on U.S. list ofstate sponsors of terrorism.
A quarter century after of the collapse of the Soviet Empire -called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) or simply the Soviet Union by communists themselves-, and the end of the Cold War, the Castro regime is still in power. Cubans around the world constantly affixed our sights to Cuba and planned for how to achieve a free, democratic Cuba. Despite our efforts, the Castro brothers are maintaining in power, enjoying a life of luxury that most Cubans can’t even imagine, lording over the Cuban people.
As you know, Cuba is a totalitarian communist state headed by General Raúl Castro Ruz. My homeland is suffering a fierce and painful dictatorship. It is not a politic problem, it is a human problem, a issue that every human must pay attention to it. Unfortunately, many people around the world see Castro’s Cuba as a symbol of ‘resistance to imperialism’, and the entire world see Cuba as a beautiful tourist destination, whilecountless Cubans have died and continue to die trying to escape of totalitarian tyranny.
Why Panama’s Government persists in invite to thewell-known narco-trafficker Raúl Castro Ruz to the Summit of the Americas? You know that the 2001 Inter-American Democratic Charter and the Declaration of Quebec City explicitly state that non-democratic states can not participate in the Summit of the Americas.
President Varela, this action of the Government of Panama is illegal and against the democratic principles.I am very upset with this conduct. I think that it is an insult to the Cuban people, because it will strengthen to the Cuban dictatorship. Will continue the physical destruction and the anthropological damage caused to my homeland, and will continue the exodus of my compatriots, because they do want their children born in a free country not a police state.
It will be an offense to the Cuban people that the democratically elected presidents applaud the West’s only dictator -which is what Gen. Raúl Castro Ruz is, by any dictionary’s definition-, especiallyif you take in consideration that the Summit of the Americas has among its top goals promoting democracy in the region.
President Varela, why you not invite Cuban democracy activists to Summit of the Americas? For example, invite Juan Carlos González Leiva. As you know, one month agothe blind Cuban democracy activist exposes brutality of Castro regime at the United Nations Human Rights Council,
“Il Cenacolo gave the floor to a blind Cuban lawyer who spoke about beatings and arbitrary detention and being held without trial because he had held a human rights congress. He also spoke about torture and ill treatment of other human rights defenders and political activists by Cuban State security agents.”
Besides, you know that Fidel Castro “severely damaged the Panamanian people. He supported Noriega knowing full well that he was a dictator Papa Doc Duvalier style: corrupt and cruel”. I repeat to you my invitation to read The process of political protest in Panama, 1968-1989, by Brittmarie Janson Pérez.
President Varela, this is the fifteenth time that I explain to you why Castro’s Cuba can not participate in the Summit of the Americas. Why do you persist in prolonging the tragedy suffered by the Cuban people since more than half century ago?
President Varela, I remind to you these words ofMartin Luther King,
There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor political, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.
I just want you to answer my questions. Can youanswer my questions please?
President Varela, I repeat the fourteen emails that I sent to you in relation to the Summit of the Americas.
Éxodo de los cubanos por el puerto de Mariel
En 1980 unos 125 mil cubanos se fueron por este puerto, situado a unos 45 kilómetros al occidente de La Habana
El éxodo de 1994
Una nueva oleada de balseros de Cuba
se lanza al mar
Maye Primera
13 de octubre de 2014
Aumentan los migrantes detenidos por guardacostas de EE UU en el último año: Más de 2.000 han sido repatriados en 12 meses
Todos en la localidad donde nació hablaban aún de la hazaña de Tillo: uno de tres cubanos que llegó a Florida hace 20 años haciendo windsurf y dueño ahora de una empresa en Miami que fabrica tablas para navegar. Entonces Jorge Armando Martínez se dijo que en un año aprendería a manejar la vela con la destreza suficiente para marcharse de La Habana. Las primeras veces, vomitaba de solo subirse a la plancha. El 21 de febrero pasado unos pescadores lo encontraron deshidratado en una playa de cayos Marquesas, 32 kilómetros al oeste de cayo Hueso.
Había partido cuatro días antes con otros dos compañeros: el primero dejó al grupo atrás y llegó a unresort de los cayos en nueve horas, y el segundo fue hallado por los guardacostas estadounidense, semiconsciente y a la deriva, y deportado a Cuba. “Y unas semanas después, el 1 de abril, salió otro windsurfista que no apareció”, dice Jorge, que sigue las noticias de otros que lo intentan mientras despacha remos y velas en la tienda de deportes acuáticos de Miami donde trabaja.
El flujo de cubanos que trata de llegar por mar a Florida (a unos 145 kilómetros) ha recobrado en 2014 el ritmo sostenido y a ratos acelerado que mantuvo desde el comienzo de la era de Raúl Castro, y hasta el estallido de la crisis económica en EE UU y de la burbuja inmobiliaria en el sur de Florida. Entre 2005 y 2008 la Guardia Costera detuvo a una media de 2.651 cubanos anuales, la mayoría a bordo de lanchas rápidas de contrabandistas a quienes sus parientes en EE UU llegan a pagar miles de dólares por la travesía.
Entre 2009-2011 la cifra se redujo a menos de la mitad y las embarcaciones volvieron a ser botes rudimentarios de caucho y latón. En el último año fiscal, que acabó en septiembre, fueron 2.059 los cubanos localizados en el agua y repatriados a la isla, como establece el acuerdo de migración pies secos-pies mojados vigente desde 1994. Otros 780 balseros que sí lograron tocar la orilla estadounidense tendrán garantizado el estatus de residente en un año como establece la ley.
Cada semana del último mes ha sido reportado al menos un naufragio, algunos sin supervivientes. Del peor de ellos se supo a finales de agosto, cuando el día 31 la Armada mexicana rescató dos cadáveres y 15 migrantes con vida que flotaban a la deriva a bordo de un bote de latón frente a las costas de Yucatán. El grupo original era de 32 personas y había partido un mes antes del puerto de Manzanillo, en la provincia cubana de Granma. Uno a uno fueron muriendo de hambre y sed, y sus cuerpos fueron arrojados al mar por los supervivientes; entre ellos, el de Yaylin Milanés Santander, embarazada de seis meses.
El 24 de agosto también fueron hallados los cuerpos de cuatro cubanos flotando en el Atlántico, a unos pocos kilómetros al este de la playa Hollywood en Florida; otras cinco personas que viajaban con ellos se encuentran aún desaparecidas.
Al igual que el huido en la tabla de windsurf Jorge Armando Martínez y que muchos de los cubanos que se han echado al mar durante esta nueva oleada migratoria, Yenier Martínez no conocía a nadie en Florida cuando él y otros ocho hombres atracaron en la playa de una lujosa urbanización de Key Biscayne, el pasado 23 de septiembre, tras navegar durante 10 días en un bote armado con tubos y planchas de zinc e impulsado por un viejo motor de tractor ruso.
“No tenemos familia en EE UU, no tenemos ni cómo llamar a nuestras familias en Cuba. Pero la Iglesia y gente de a pie nos están ayudando con comida y ropa”, dice Yenier, que esta semana espera seguir camino hacia Oregon, donde confían en hallar un empleo que supere los seis dólares (4,7 euros) de paga al mes que recibía en Cuba trabajando como campesino.
El éxodo del Mariel (1980)
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